Photo & Video Gallery
The best moments of our farm
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Hope Is Free Share it With Others Today
Get Rid of That Heartburn Without Antacids
Get Rid of Heartburn Without Antacids
Rick Nappi Shares His Story Of Near Death To Optimal Health
Rick Nappi Shares His Story Of Near Death To Optimal Health
Surprising Reasons You're Gaining Weight
Surprising Reasons You're Gaining Weight
Are You Statistically Obese Or Overweight? Whats The Difference? What are The health risks?
Are You Statistically Obese Or Overweight? Whats The Difference? What are The health risks?
Think You Got A Deal On Your Cosmetics? Think Again!
Think You Got A Deal On Your Cosmetics? Think Again!
Are Angels Real??? Watch and find out and the you tell me
Are Angels Real??? Watch and find out and the you tell me
Are Your Fitness Monitors Putting You At Risk?
Are Your Fitness Monitors Putting You At Risk?
Malabsorption Syndrome? A Hidden Illness That Effects you
Malabsorption Syndrome? A Hidden Illness That Effects you
What Does Your Poop Say About Your Health? Part 1
What Does Your Poop Say About Your Health? Part 1
What Does Your Poop Say About Your Health? Part 2 size shape texture
What Does Your Poop Say About Your Health? Part 2 size shape texture
Romain Lettuce Ecoli continues to explode update
Romain Lettuce Ecoli continues to explode update
Why Is my Hair Falling Out Video?
Why Is my Hair Falling Out Video?
Vitamin deficiencies video and how to fix them
Vitamin deficiencies video and how to fix them
How I cleanse and exfoliate my own skin
How I cleanse and exfoliate my own skin
Flu shot vs Vitamin D
Flu shot vs Vitamin D
A guided anxiety stress reduction meditation "Winning Forever"
A guided anxiety stress reduction meditation "Winning Forever"
Love Your Liver Video
Love Your Liver Video
Monarch Manor Farms Tree felling Video
Monarch Manor Farms Tree felling Video
Lets Plant Some Blueberry Bushes
Lets Plant Some Blueberry Bushes
Do Ducks Eat Duckweed? We have the answer
Do Ducks Eat Duckweed? We have the answer. To answer the question definitively we went out and bought 5 baby ducks and began our experiment to see what the truth is, as you can see, ducks do eat duckweed. Although they are still young and building confidence to roam, where ever they are they have that area clear by end of each day. Duckweed to ducks is like your favorite ice cream to you. They love eating all they can and it allows un to not have to use any chemicals to get rid of duckweed.
Red Carrots and Their secret health ingredients Video
Red Carrots provide lots of great nutrition for everyone. Red carrots are sweeter and the red color comes from the lycopene it contains. There are more details, Read More...

Like most other wasps, mud daubers are predators. They are a beneficial hard worker on our farm. They are pretty relaxed around us but if you are a cabbage moth larva or spiders even black widow you want them around. They don't kill them but sting, paralyze and imprison them in their nest to feed to their baby larve. They can pack up to 25 spiders per cell, weeeeee!

Getting an early start on your organic vegetable garden will put you ahead of the game this year. This lettuce was grown from seed, no soil and just put in little plastic cups with some straw and floated on a Foamular square from Loewe on our pond at Monarch Manor Farms. No mess, dirt or fertilizer needed. Just float and grow. When it is grown then just take in, wash and eat. Do you have any cool ideas to try?

Monarch Manor Farms pond. This spring fed pond is stocked with large mouth bass, tilapia, red ear, blue gill, koi, grass carp. This is also used to grow lettuce on top of the pond.

Monarch Manor Farms Teaching and Test Kitchen. This is where visitors book classes on cooking healthy foods. It is also where we test many dishes to provide optimal nutrition making sure any dish is delicious.