Recipe Description

few words about recipe


from our farm

  • cup walnuts, toasted (1/2 )
  • cup unsalted butter, room temperature (1/2 )
  • cup sugar substitute (1 )
  • large eggs, room temperature (3 )
  • teaspoon cinnamon (1/4 )
  • teaspoon freshly ground black pepper (1/2 )
  • teaspoon grated orange zest (1 )
  • cups grated carrot (1 1/2 )
  • cups all purpose flour (2 )
  • teaspoons baking powder (2 1/2 )
  • cup canned crushed pineapple, drained (3/4 )
  • Non stick cooking spray ( )


follow it step by step

Place the walnuts in a food processor and chop fine. 

Put the butter in a large bowl. 

Use the electric mixer and beat the butter on high speed for 45 seconds. 

Slowly add in the sugar and continue beating until the two ingredients are creamed together. 

Add the eggs, one at time, beating on low speed after each addition.

Use a rubber spatula and fold in the cinnamon and pepper. 

Add in the orange zest and carrots and stir well to incorporate the flavors. 

Place the flour, baking powder and salt in at sifter.

Sift together into a separate bowl. 

Stir half of the flour mixture into the egg mixture. 

Fold in the pineapple and walnuts. 

Finishing mixing in the rest of the flour mixture into the batter.  

Spray 2 loaf pans with the non stick cocking spray. 

Fill both pans with the batter. 

Bring the oven temperature to 350 degrees. 

Bake the loaves 25 minutes or until a nice golden brown on top and toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.


Nutrition Table

Facts Amount
calories 154
Grams Carbohydrates 23
Grams fat 6
Gram Fiber 1
Grams Protein 2
Grams Sodium 60

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